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Quantum Computing Is Here — Is Your Business Ready?

By: SEI Team

Group of professionals talking around a computer

The world of quantum computing opens up a realm of unparalleled possibilities. Yet, to truly harness this frontier of technology, it’s crucial to be prepared.

Quantum computing relies on quantum mechanics principles to quickly solve problems and tackle complexities beyond the reach of classical computing and supercomputers. As a result of its high efficiency and ability to address intricate problems, quantum computing stands to revolutionize countless fields.

Quantum computing is a relatively new technology. However, it has already taken root in several industries, with everyone from the finance industry to the communication sector adopting quantum computing. What’s more, quantum computing hardware and software company IonQ opened the first quantum computing manufacturing facility in the U.S. It should come as no surprise that the global quantum computing market size is expected to reach $4.3 billion by 2028.

As quantum computing continues to advance, it will only gain more popularity. It holds significant transformational potential, but companies must understand quantum computing’s basic principles, capabilities, risks, and more to fully harness its potential.

Understanding Quantum Computing

What is quantum computing? Putting it briefly, it’s an advanced form of computing that uses quantum mechanics. Both traditional and quantum computing can process information and perform calculations to solve problems. They also both use logical algorithms to execute tasks and rely on gates. However, companies must understand a few differences before jumping into quantum computing.

For one, traditional computing uses bits for data representation. Bits can be a 0 or a 1. Quantum computers represent and process information using qubits. However, qubits can represent both a 0 and a 1. This is why quantum computers can process several states and execute complex computations simultaneously. Also, quantum computing allows for entanglement (when a qubit’s state can be connected to another qubit’s state).

Classical computers and quantum computers also differ when it comes to computation methods. In classical computing, computers process data in a binary manner using AND, OR, and NOT gates. However, since qubits can represent a 1 and 0 simultaneously, quantum computers use quantum gates and algorithms specifically designed to deal with qubits and their quantum states, enabling the computers to solve problems quickly.

It’s also worth noting that quantum computers may produce computational errors when experiencing environmental interference, also known as decoherence or quantum noise. This can occur when the computers are exposed to electromagnetic interference, thermal fluctuations, and flawed quantum gates. It can be avoided using quantum error correction techniques. Conversely, classical computers use error correction codes. Additionally, quantum computers must stay in carefully regulated physical environments, which can be limiting. Traditional computers can be used everywhere, from a standard office to a picnic table at the park.

Quantum Computing Applications for Various Industries

To fully grasp the transformative power of quantum computing, it’s essential to move beyond the basics — understanding not just what quantum computing is and how it diverges from conventional computing, but also its potential applications. 


Since complex financial modeling, risk analysis, and portfolio optimization require significant computational power, the finance industry could benefit from quantum computing’s speed and power. While traditional computers can technically do these tasks, quantum computers allow financial institutions to process more data and execute complex algorithms much faster. Quantum computing can even help with fraud detection, so it isn’t surprising that quantum computing use cases in the finance industry could generate $622 billion in value by 2035.

Healthcare and Pharma

Quantum computing can also revolutionize the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries. Quantum technologies will enable organizations to accelerate drug discovery and development processes. Instead of completely relying on trial and error, researchers can use quantum computers to quickly and accurately simulate molecular structures and interactions. Plus, quantum computing can simplify personalized medicine, analyzing vast datasets quickly so professionals can tailor treatments to an individual patient’s genetic makeup and health profile.


Supply chains are intricate networks with numerous interconnected components, making them exceptionally sensitive to disruptions. A single traffic bottleneck or a hiccup in equipment can cascade into widespread delivery setbacks. This underscores the pressing need for organizations to enhance their agility and resilience. Integrating quantum computing into their digital transformation strategy offers a promising solution. With its superior computational power, quantum computing enables a deeper and more comprehensive analysis of supply chain data. This leads to improved quality control and swifter delivery times, positioning companies to navigate the complexities of supply chains with greater efficiency and reliability.

Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence

Businesses can use quantum algorithms to train machine learning models on vast datasets. Thanks to the superposition and computational power of quantum systems, quantum computing algorithms can perform complex calculations much faster than their classical counterparts, leading to more sophisticated artificial intelligence applications.

These examples only scratch the surface of quantum computing’s many use cases. As the technology evolves, its impact will extend, changing the very fabric of how businesses operate and innovate.

Assessing Your Company’s Current Landscape

There are so many reasons why businesses might be interested in using quantum computers. They’re fast, efficient, and able to handle previously unsolvable problems. To set your organization up for success, you need to review your company’s current landscape.

First, evaluate your organization’s current technological infrastructure. Is it compatible with quantum computing? Do you have any legacy systems or architectures that wouldn’t integrate with quantum technologies? Think about potential barriers and limitations preventing you from integrating quantum technologies into your existing systems and processes.

Next, identify which parts of your business quantum computing could completely transform. In some cases, that might be optimizing supply chain logistics. In others, it could be boosting cybersecurity measures or taking data analytics to the next level. Pinpointing these areas will help prioritize your quantum computing initiatives and allocate resources effectively. 

You’ll also need to assess the skills and knowledge within your organization. Is your staff familiar with quantum technologies? Where are there gaps in knowledge in your workforce? Do you need a department- or company-wide quantum computing training program? Do you need to hire new workers who are already very comfortable with quantum computers?

Preparing Your Organization for Quantum Computing

Although still relatively new, quantum computing is rapidly advancing. If you want to get your organization ready to adopt this new technology, it’s important tot:

Build Knowledge and Expertise

In the rapidly evolving landscape of quantum computing, the importance of cultivating a knowledgeable and skilled workforce cannot be overstated. Establishing dedicated training programs or workshops is crucial for bringing your team up to speed with the fundamentals and advanced concepts of quantum technology. Such educational initiatives not only lay the groundwork for a strong understanding of quantum computing but also inspire innovation and creative problem-solving within your organization.

By investing in these learning opportunities, employees will be better equipped to leverage the unique advantages of quantum computing, from solving complex problems faster than traditional computers to exploring new realms of computational possibilities. This foundational knowledge will be instrumental in enabling your team to effectively apply quantum technology in various projects and initiatives, ensuring your organization can fully leverage the potential of quantum computing to drive forward-thinking solutions and maintain a competitive edge in the digital era.

Create Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations

Exploring partnerships with established quantum computing firms is a strategic move that can significantly accelerate your organization’s quantum journey. These companies bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in quantum technology, along with access to critical resources and infrastructure. Collaborating with industry leaders not only opens the door to the latest quantum technologies and professional expertise but also expands your network, connecting you with pioneers in the field. Additionally, tapping into both government and private funding opportunities for quantum computing research and development can provide essential financial support for your projects.

For organizations seeking more guidance, consulting firms specializing in quantum technology can be invaluable. They offer expert insights and strategic advice, custom-tailored to align with your organization’s specific objectives and challenges.

Develop A Quantum-Ready IT Infrastructure

Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your current IT infrastructure to identify areas that cannot support quantum computing technologies. Then, follow through with the necessary upgrades to both hardware and software to ensure compatibility with quantum computing. Depending on your organization’s specific needs and existing setup, you might consider implementing a hybrid system. This approach seamlessly integrates classical computing foundations with quantum computing elements, offering a balanced platform that leverages the strengths of both technologies. 

Mitigate Risks

As with any technology, quantum computing has risks — and, given how it’s still in its infancy, it’s crucial that you proactively assess and address these potential vulnerabilities. For example, quantum computers can break ECC and RSA encryption algorithms, putting data at risk.

To safeguard your data and intellectual property in this new quantum era, it’s critical to develop robust cybersecurity and data protection strategies. That means developing thoughtful and comprehensive cybersecurity and data protection protocols, reflecting on how quantum computing might impact existing processes and systems, and creating contingency plans to minimize disruptions. 

Create A Roadmap For Quantum Adoption

To ensure a smooth quantum computing adoption, devising a strategic roadmap is key. This roadmap should outline clear milestones and objectives, guiding your organization through the complexities of adoption. You should:

  • Set clear, achievable milestones: Breaking down the journey into manageable stages can demystify the process of quantum adoption. Establish milestones that reflect significant points of progress in your journey, enabling your team to celebrate small wins and stay motivated.
  • Allocate investments wisely: You want to use your money as effectively as possible, so concentrate on areas where quantum computing offers the greatest competitive advantage or solves critical business challenges.
  • Incorporate quantum computing into your overall digital transformation strategy: Want to unlock new opportunities for innovation and efficiency? Quantum computing should not exist in isolation within your technological landscape. For maximum impact, weave it into your overarching digital transformation strategy. This means aligning it with other key technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotic process automation, the Internet of Things, and cloud computing to unlock opportunities.

Need Help Adopting Quantum Computing? SEI Has You Covered.

Quantum computing offers many exciting possibilities, but preparing your company for adoption can be a daunting task if you go it alone. Many organizations don’t have the infrastructure or in-house expertise to realize the potential of this cutting-edge technology. This is where a quantum computing consultant can step in to bridge the gap.

By partnering with SEI, you gain access to our team of seasoned consultants who can evaluate your organization’s readiness for quantum computing. We are equipped to craft bespoke strategies that enable you to harness the power of quantum computing to its fullest extent. Whether we’re helping you update legacy systems as part of a technology enablement plan or guiding your team through adoption with change management strategies, SEI is committed to facilitating a smooth transition.